If you asked me what brand I was most impressed before I visited SIHH 2010, I think Cartier Replica Wathes will not be one of my best choices. High-end watch manufacturers typically focus on the jewellery aspects of watchmaking, rather than complex mechanical aspects. At least in the past. Part of their current and future goals is to call themselves true watchmakers. Therefore, SIHH is full of interesting and complicated watches. Of course, not all watches are so complicated, but from now on, they will focus on the high-end watch collections designed for serious collectors. My favorite in this new collection is the Rotonde de Cartier Astrotourbillon (Cartier Rotonde Astrotourbillon).

This watch is not a classic tourbillon in technology – at least not in the traditional sense, but this is the best name. The tourbillon rotates the balance on its own axis, while the Astrotourbillon moves the balance on the entire dial. It is executed every minute and acts as a second hand. This concept looks very simple. The inside of the mechanism is a pain, but the watch will pull it down. You can see the fun of watching complex features in the video. In many ways, it is more satisfying than a traditional tourbillon.

Cartier Replica manufactures the MC 9451 movement entirely inside. It is manually wound around a power reserve of about 48 hours. It’s actually very effective, with less than 200 parts. To balance a special type of tourbillon, it has a platinum counterweight (not visible). In order to have a complicated space, the case is thicker (but not too thick) and 18 mm white or pink gold 47 mm wide. On Cartier’s usual smooth and polished wrist, the large case is very beautiful.